I'm a one-camera person with a couple of lenses and a little bit of software - my operation is very small and personal. I'm self-taught, studying those I consider masters for inspiration and insight. My work is not prolific or perfect, I'm in a perpetual state of learning and evolving - and hopefully producing some images people like along the way.
Unless I'm shooting performers on a stage, I love working with natural light. I adhere to the "less is more" idea when taking photographs. I like to keep things simple and organic and always strive to capture absolute authenticity in my subjects. I believe a photograph is as much about the subject as it is about the photographer.
I'm happy to be able to share my current work on this site. I hope to have the opportunity to create more work with families, actors, dancers, and anyone (and anything) who will allow me to do so.
I’m a native Houstonian residing in Los Angeles, California with my husband, Lee, and our cat, Gilly.